Pastor's Pantry Volunteers

Pictured from left to right: Patti Hastings, Leslie Hudson,
Lorraine Berry (Director), Deaconess Becky Gaar, Diane Sweat
Basic Groceries
We encourage you to try to limit your visits to every 2 weeks.
About Pastor's Pantry
During her time as Pastor of FUMCPM, the Rev. Martha Dye met with several parishioners regarding a need to help people in our community with supplemental food. This initial group of members named the ministry, Pastor's Pantry. Initially, food was donated by church members to supply the Pastor's Pantry, but eventually, we received a 501-3C classification and was able to purchase food from Feeding the Valley.
This ministry has been growing ever since!
We provide nutritious canned and packaged staples as well as meat. When available, we also provide fresh fruits, vegetables and bread. During the cold months, we collect blankets, heavy coats, hats, and gloves to provide our clients.
We have implemented a mobile service and currently serve four homebound clients in Pine Mountain. We deliver groceries on the second Monday of each month. New recipients are referred to us by members of our church.
In 2022, we served 360 families which included 778 individuals.
Staffed by volunteers, our hours of operation are Monday 9:00—12:30. However, if a client comes in on another day, there are full bags readily available for our Administrative Assistant to disburse.
All are welcome.