2025 Meeting Dates & Times
The next UWF (United Women in Faith) meeting will be Monday, February 10th from 5:30-6:30 in the Family Life Center. Our speaker will be Lisa Powers from St. Francis Hospital in Columbus who will be speaking on heart health and related topics. This meeting is open to everyone!

United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.

Pictured left to right: Bobbie Tarpley - Advisor, Mary Helen Terrell - Secretary, Jane Logan - Treasurer,
Sara Godowns - President, Winky Parker - Vice President, Peggy Elder - Communications, Dale King, Greeting Card Ministry (not pictured), Rev. Andy Cunningham - Ex Officio
Meeting Notes
Click on month below to see minutes of the meeting
For February, UWF made Valentine bags for our homebound members.

April Project
Barbara Moushon, Circles in Columbus Coordinator was our guest speaker. The Circles Program is part of the Open Door Community House in Columbus, Georgia. Circles in Columbus is a comprehensive program for people who are willing and ready to move out of poverty. After Barbara's presentation, she was presented with needed paper products that had been collected by our UWF members.

Daily Prayer Guide
Accessible through FaceBook.
Search for Daily Prayer Guide and like to follow.
December Meeting
Check out the photos below from our Christmas Luncheon earlier in December where we enjoyed a delicious salad luncheon and songs and stories by Paul Chappell. We also collected lots of canned goods for Pocket Change Ministry here in Pine Mountain.
September Meeting
Kathie Hansen is our United Women In Faith President for the Southwest District of the North Georgia Conference. ”Welcome Home” was the theme of our Mission U Training. We first learned about God and his names and characteristics, reflected on the image of our sovereign God and then looked at “kinship” and embracing it. We examined our personal feelings or tensions toward God. We defined a “Place Called Home” and used an emotional color wheel to describe our origin home. Each participant was given a paper clothesline on which answers to questions were written as we studied God and his place in our lives and homes.

May Project

This month the UWF had a Garden Party/Dedication of the Louise Aldrich Memorial Garden located at the back entrance of the Family Life Center. After the Garden Party/Dedication, the UWF group put together gift bags for our Noah's Ark Preschool Teachers.

March Project
We collected supplies for the Harris County Hope Center and welcomed Sheila Baker as our guest speaker at our March 11th meeting.